Aaron Flowers, a barber in San Jose, CA., kisses his son, Amayas , 9 months, after giving him his first haircut in 2018.
In 2015, Graylond Smith was a troubled student at his San Jose high school to the point where he was not allowed to graduate with his 8th grade class. A few members of the community decided to honor Graylond with a special graduation lunch, so he would not feel left out.
Students Thokozani Mnguni and Boikanyo Selabe concentrate on their schoolwork at the Kgololo Academy in Alexandra Township, near Johannesburg, South Africa, in August 2018. The private university preparatory school was founded in 2015 by educators Waahida Tolbert and her husband Thulani Mbata. Kgololo is a Setswana word that means to set free.
In July 2011, a father and son head home after an afternoon fishing along El Malecón esplanade in Havana, Cuba.
Rev. Steve Pinkston, an associate pastor at Maranatha Christian Center in San Jose, CA, for 32 years, receives prayer from the men of the church before undergoing reconstructive surgery on his right shoulder, in 2017. Rev. Pinkston’s great grandfather, grandfather, father and two uncles, were all Baptist church pastors. Two other uncles were COGIC pastors.
Isaiah Milton Cheers, 6, enjoys a swing at the Spier Wine Estate in Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2018.