Michael Young
Trust - Boyhood l Friday July 31, 2021, Melrose, Bronx, NY
Aaron & Xyntori “Being Father is Everything” - Manhood Friday November 02, 2018, Melrose, Bronx, NY
Father Figure - Manhood After losing his leg in a bus accident. This man steps in to help raise his girlfriend's son and refuses to let the loss of his leg prevent him tossing the football with him. July 5th, 2019, Claremont Village, Bronx, NY
Circle of Trust | Huddle of The White Shirts - Adolescence- Brotherhood, Camaraderie The White Shirt team huddles during a practice game at Butler Community Center BasketBall Camp. Friday, July 12th, 2019, Claremont Village,Bronx
Mousa Sinera, Age 19 - Adolescence - Leadership and Ambition | BasketBall Camp Counselor Butler Community Center Friday, August 2, 2019, Claremont Village, Bronx, NY