Khary Mason
“I am A man” From left: Darryl Woods (Christianity), Phillip Simons (Buddhism), Cleechay “Cincere” Altalet (Islam) show a tie that often binds, but is seldom seen. All when asked reflected that it was their faith that helped guide them through incarceration. 2020
“A Fathers life is a roadmap to his son” Garland holding Giovanni. 2019
“All good leaders must learn to follow first” Day 2 of the 2018 Sound Mind Sound Body Sports Academy college tour. On the National Mall in Washington D.C., members of SMSB from Detroit Michigan stand in a circle as Dr. William Dunn (Bottom left) begins a call and response chant of “Sound Mind…Sound Body” during this stop at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial.
“First Glimpse of Spring” Childhood friends pose on Detroits East side at King Richard and Grayton St. April 2019
“Our future playing in a time of pure… Innocence” Nothing else matters. July 2018